Talking Toddlers

How To Get More Out of Your Pediatrician Visits - Feel Heard & Validated

Erin Hyer Season 2 Episode 73

Today’s discussion sheds light on the genuine concerns mothers face and how these often go unaddressed or overlooked in routine pediatric consultations.

These concerns, sometimes dismissed or brushed aside, create an undercurrent of anxiety for new moms navigating the uncertainties of parenthood.

One specific area of concern is the use and understanding of the screening Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers - Revised/Follow-Up  (M-CHAT-R/F) during the 18 and 24 month well-child checkups. 

Erin pulls back the curtain and shares details of this important tool and how you can guide your pediatrician through it better.  

Erin acknowledges the common worries new mothers have and the complexities of addressing them within the confines of short medical appointments. She emphasizes the significance of open, honest dialogue between mothers and pediatricians, encouraging a supportive environment where concerns are respectfully heard and thoroughly addressed. 

This episode stives to empower mothers to advocate for their children's needs and highlights the importance of seeking second opinions or further assessments if their worries persist.

Listeners gain practical tips on how to effectively communicate their concerns to pediatricians, fostering a collaborative partnership that prioritizes the child's well-being. 

There are options at the end so listen all the way through.

You won’t want to miss this one!


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Links I mention in this episode:

Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers - Revised/Follow-Up (M-CHAT-R/F)